Saturday, April 16, 2011

Washed Up

It's true, Live Green was cut short due to rain--more rain that we anticipated.  We prepared for inclement weather, but the downpour was too much for us to work with and we ended up scrapping all the afternoon activities.  It was a shame to see Joe's hard work not come to fruition.  He spent a lot of time putting this all together and if the weather had cooperated, the event would have been spectacular.  Rumor has it we may end up pushing for a rain date toward the beginning of May, so keep your eyes and ears open for upcoming information.

Despite the rain, the yard sale went on.  We did manage to make some money today and despite the cold and damp, we had a really good time.  It amazes me how sometimes bad weather can bring people together; having a burger under the pavilion with the employees and volunteers was a nice way for us to just get together, hang out, and talk, without having to worry about everything happening without a hitch. 

All in all, it wasn't what we expected, but we did enjoy ourselves.  If you did come out today, we appreciate your support today (as always!) and we were happy to see you.  Enjoy your reused yard sale items, and thanks again!

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